Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Free write #3

Bering Sea
Sgt. Soap Mactavish

Charlie six squadron closes in on the marked target. Captain Price sat by the open door of the jet black, Black Hawk of the British
It was a dark and stormy night as “Big Bird” S.A.S Charlie six squad. Price was not new at this type of assignment. He had been in this sort of “peaceful work” for a while. The anti- terrorist movement that he had been in placement for more than three years before “Soap” had joined the group at the selection camp in northern Uzbekistan. The four other members of the select team were “Gaz”, Cpl. Brian, Cpl. Hatcher, and big bird (which was the helicopter pilot).

Soap was shacking in his wet suit as he saw the target come into their view off the right wing, a cargo ship. Since the cargo on the ship was classified as “distinguishable”, the men on the heli wondered what it could possibly be. Since the wind and rain kept the hard and overworked crew indoors, nobody could see the three men (the other three would remain in the heli for reinforcements) rope down from the helicopter onto the ship. The copter positioned itself behind the men in the control room. The rope dropped, Captain Price, Soap, and Cpl. Brian, silencers armed,(so they would not alert the rest of the crew about an attack) took a decent into what could be the future of the United States and the whole World.

The heli positioned itself carefully over the raging Bering Sea, and the order was given. "Drop the ropes, Drop the ropes", yelled Captain Price. The ropes fell behind the unsuspecting wheelhouse maintenance crew. The three man team slid silently down the ropes and onto the rain soaked deck, big bird radioed that they would wait for the all clear signal to drop the rest of the troops.

Captain Price whispered,"go loud, keep quiet." ( eliminate the crew with a silencer) The men opened fire, the men in the wheel house fell victim to a volley of Mp5 fire. Cpl. Hatcher approached the door to the wheel house, Soap could see the look in his eyes of an apprehensive mood, the beads of his sweat were scared to move down his face as he opened the door. Soap could see the relief in the corporals' face and as he said,"all clear" Soap noticed the relief in his voice as well.

As the three man team moved through the wheel house toward the stairs that lead to the first floor and the ship deck, there was a huge flash that blinded the team, Soap and Captain Price dove out of the way to the sides of the halfway to barley escape the barrage of AK47 fire from the bottom of the stairs. Cpl. Hatcher slide down the stairs with a chest full of heavy metal, he was dead.

The two men left, the position that they were standing and crept toward the door. A Russian terrorist jumped from under the stairs and attacked with a RPD, the two made quick work of this man. Captain Price and Soap walked down three flights of stairs and continued down to the first level of the deck. Price then radioed for Big Bird to drop the Gaz and the rest of the team at their location. As the ropes filled with men getting to the ground, the top floor of the wheel house erupted in a barrage of RPD fire that rocked the helicopter. The chopper turned and opened up with a killer double mini-gun strafing on the level. The five men on the ground watched in amazement as the floor was showered with 50 caliber shells. Gaz started to jump up and down uncontrollably, Soap asked,"What's wrong?" Gaz then replied in the following manor," You idiot don't you know how hot those stupid shells are, hey you up there, do you mind moving to the left a little bit!!"

As the helicopter left and when Gaz was done getting all of the shells out of his shirt and pants they continued down the deck eliminating the enemy as they went. They got to the opposite side of the ship on which they landed, they approach the door for the entrance to the storage bay. Gaz said with a smile on his face as he pulled out his M1014 shotgun," I like to keep this for close encounters." Cpl. Brian replied in the way the S.A.S always did," You aren't kidding you bloated wanker."

The team crept through the narrowing hallway, only three men left. (Cpl. Brian bit the bullet from and enemy claymore on the opposite side of the cargo bay door). They made their way through the cargo bay, right up on top of their target, a nuclear Russian warhead. As Gaz prepared to start planting the deactivating device big bird had radioed in," To bogeys' coming in hot from Beta 039." Price looked worried," Fast movers, probably MIG's, Soap grab the manifest for the container and let's move." As they approached the stairs, disaster struck. Four missiles crashed through the side of the ship. Water was pouring in at a hundred gallons a minute, the ship was sinking to fast for the team to get out, they were trapped, the boat capsized, taking the brave souls of Gaz, Captain Price and the recruit Soap Mactacvish. Or so they thought?! In the water where three men in black S.A.S suits. Big bird then circled around and dropped some safety ropes, the crew climbed in. Everyone was so happy that they had lived through this horrifying ordeal. As the team began to head home, disaster yet again rattled the team. The nuke was set off under water and the blast had reached the surface to create an immense wall of water that sucked the helpless helicopter into the water, being lost forever in this brave and noble under taking.


A famous Quote by Dwight D. Eisenhower
Allied supreme commander
" When the men sacrifice them selves there is no turning
back until you have accomplished what makes'
this country great, Victory."

Famous Eisenhower speech, still today. This supports my story, only in WW2
1,041 words http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pa11gFnpmQA&feature=related

1 comment:

Slawinski2008 said...

Jim- I really really love your passion for this genre. Well done. Just remember that you are "shaking" not "shacking" in a wetsuit! +10